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Welcome to Tasty and Healthy Books! 📚✨

Our mission is straightforward yet passionate: to enrich the lives of our readers through the transformative power of food. We firmly believe that a balanced diet should not only be nutritious but also delicious and filled with joy.

In a world where nutrition information can be overwhelming and often contradictory, “Tasty and Healthy Books” stands out as a reliable compass, offering clear guides and meticulously curated cookbooks that navigate the beautiful intersection between taste and wellness.

Each of our books stands as an independent work, a unique window into the diverse culinary practices and philosophies of well-being. From the deep roots of global food traditions to innovative strategies for a healthier life, we offer a spectrum of choices for anyone looking to enrich their culinary repertoire and lifestyle.

The authors at “Tasty and Healthy Books” are the beating hearts of this journey: chefs, nutritionists, researchers, and food enthusiasts, each with a unique story and profound knowledge to share. They are the voices that inspire our publications, bringing to your table dishes that ignite the senses and nourish the soul.

🌿 Our philosophy: Health and pleasure can dance together on every plate we serve.

🍽️ Our promise: Tested recipes, authentic flavors, and practical advice to make everyday life a little tastier and infinitely healthier.

🌟 Our commitment: To support your healthy choices with books that are not just manuals but companions on a journey to complete well-being.

Join us in exploring culinary cultures, uncovering secrets for optimal health, and rediscovering the joy of eating to nourish not just the body, but also the soul.

📘 Follow us, be inspired, and begin your path to a tastier and healthier life!

At Tasty and Healthy Books, we are committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle through nourishing and delightful recipes. Established as a beacon in the world of health-centric culinary literature, we craft books that are more than just collections of recipes; they are guides to a wholesome and sustainable lifestyle.

Our range encompasses a diverse spectrum of diets and wellness philosophies, always keeping the focus on freshness, flavor, and simplicity. From the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet to pioneering plant-based cuisines, each cookbook is designed to open up a world of rich and vibrant flavors that also nurture your well-being.

Step into a healthier tomorrow with Tasty and Healthy Books, your reliable companion in the journey towards a nourished and joyful life through food.

Tasty & Healthy Books

Below you will find the list of current titles

published by “T&HBooks”


Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Well-Being: Your Gateway to a Healthier Life through the Sustainable and Nourishing Principles of the Mediterranean Diet. 28 Day Meal Plan on a Budget.

Diabetic Cookbook for Well-Being: A Fusion of Taste and Wellness in Diabetes-Friendly and Low-Carb Recipes for Balanced Meals and a Healthier Life. 28 Day Meal Plan on a Budget

Customers reviews

This is a great cookbook for anyone wanting to do the Mediterranean diet. I really like how it shows you how you can replace bad food with healthy foods in a simple way that seems way easier than doing a complete overhaul of your diet. While I haven't had the chance to actually try any of the recipes yet, I definitely have the ingredients on the list for my next grocery run. Some of the recipes, especially the breakfast ones, look really good! I'm not planning on following this diet in its entirety right now as I'm currently pregnant and have to be careful about the types of fish I'm consuming, but will definitely incorporate some of the recipes.
Amazon Customer
I thought I was quasi knowledgeable about the Mediterranean diet, and got this book solely for the recipes. I'm glad I did because I ended up with much more than I expected. First ... if all you want is a cookbook and some wonderful recipes, this book has got you covered. It's loaded with dozens of recipes and meal plans all neatly divided up into categories like "Breakfast" and "Snacks & Appetizers" and "Side Dishes" etc, etc. They're all here. It will take you months to try them all. BUT ... you'll be doing yourself a disservice if you skip the opening chapters of this book and ignore the origins and history of the Mediterranean diet, why it works, and why it's so good on so many levels.I'm glad I waded through the first part of this book before moving on to the "cookbook" that I had so eagerly bought.
This book provides both great recipes (most very easy to make) but also a valuable perspective on what a Mediterranean diet is, why it's important to our health and how it can change our perspective about food. The introductory text, while informative, was a bit repetitious and I would have liked to see some references cited for the health claims of various aspects of the Mediterranean diet, though based on what I've read, the author got it right. Great for those -- like me -- who have been sitting on the sidelines but are now ready to begin a Mediterranean diet journey.
